- To gain theoretical and practical skills in focused echocardiography and basics of chest ultrasound and ultrasound guided intervention in Critical Care setting
- Being able to identify and differentiate main cardiac pathologies, normal thoracic anatomy from common diseases
Day to include:
Hands-on sessions with volunteers and simulation:
- How to scan and get basic views
- LV and RV assessment
- Pericardial effusion and tamponade
- Case based discussion
- How to recognise and differentiate pleural effusion
- Identify the basic 2D sonography of Lung US as A-Lines, B- Lines, Lung Sliding, and Lung Point & Lung Pulse
- Debrief and case base discussion after each hands-on session
Who should attend?
Medical and Allied Health Professionals working in Intensive Care, Anaesthesia, Acute or Emergency Medicine
Faculty led by:
Dr Antonio Rubino
Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia
Stefanie Curry
Critical Care Scientist
Limited number of spaces available in order to maintain social distancing – book early to avoid disappointment
Risk of cancellation due to Covid-19: registration fee will be refunded. Travel and accommodation costs will remain the responsibility of the individual attendee