- To identify and treat life-threatening and potentially reversible causes of haemodynamic instability in intensive care, emergency or operating room.
- To acquire skills in order to perform a fTOE examination in non-cardiac surgery.
- Be familiar with the assessment of cardiac dimensions and function
- Recognize the most important cardiac pathologies
- Learn how to interpret the echocardiographic findings.
Day to include:
- Lectures based on FUSIC fTOE curriculum.
- Simulation-based learning and hands-on in small groups.
- Debrief and case base discussion after each hands-on session.
- Supervision from Level II accredited faculty and support in undertaking the fTOE accreditation
Who should attend?
Medical and Allied Health Professionals working in Intensive Care, Anaesthesia, Acute or Emergency Medicine
Faculty led by:
Dr Antonio Rubino
Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia
Stefanie Curry
Critical Care Scientist
Limited number of spaces available in order to maintain social distancing – book early to avoid disappointment
Risk of cancellation due to Covid-19: registration fee will be refunded. Travel and accommodation costs will remain the responsibility of the individual attendee