Acute Aortic Syndromes

Heart and Lung Research Institute adjacent to Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Aims: Principle of diagnosis and transfer to tertiary center, Surgical management, Follow-up and surveillance protocol


Aortic Isthmus Symposium

Clare College Clare College, Gillespie Centre, Memorial Court, Queens Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom

The aim is to tease out the best treatments for the whole of the aorta in the emergency and elective setting and to be the first national meeting of these two specialties in the UK

£35.00 – £300.00

Royal Papworth Staff ONLY – ECMO Course 2022 (Book Now)

Heart and Lung Research Institute adjacent to Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Multidisciplinary comprehensive course on all aspects of new ECMO in the adult patient.

£250.00 – £350.00

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