Royal Papworth Hospital provides highly acclaimed interactive courses for echocardiography and chest Ultrasound training. These courses are accredited by the Royal College of Anaesthetists.
This course will help you gain theoretical and practical skills in focused echocardiography. It will also cover the basics of chest ultrasound and ultrasound guided intervention in a Critical Care setting.
The course will help you to identify and differentiate the main cardiac pathologies and normal thoracic anatomy from common diseases.
The course will include presentations and hands-on sessions on the following topics:
• How to scan and get basic views
• Cardiac chambers function assessment
• Pericacardial effusion and tamponade
• How to recognise and differentiate a pleural effusion
• Lung parenchima pathology
• Identify the basic 2D sonography of Lung US as A-Lines, B- Lines, Lung Sliding, Lung Point & Lung Pulse.
• Hands-on work stations in volunteers and real patients
Trainees and Consultants in Intensive Care, Anaesthesia, Acute or Emergency Medicine.
Course Leads
Dr. Antonio Rubino – Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Stefanie Curry – Critical Care Scientist
Dr. Andrew Roscoe – Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Dr. Kiran Salaunkey – Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Dr. Ganesh Ramalingam – Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Dr. Nicola Jones – Consultant in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
Course location
Madingley Hall, Cambridge CB23 8AQ
It is recommended that attendees fly into London Stansted, London Gatwick or London Heathrow.
If arriving by rail, the closest railway stations is Cambridge which is a taxi ride from Madingley Hall.
Recommended taxi service based in Cambridge – Panther Taxis, contactable on 01223 715715.
Special dietary requirements
Please inform us of any special dietary requirements at your earliest convenience.
Casual attire is appropriate throughout the course.
Papworth Professional Development
01223 639821